Exhibition – HKW

Afro Sonic Mapping exhibition at Haus der Kulturen der Welt (The House of World Cultures), Berlin, Germany, November 2019



I conducted 18 interviews with artists, musicians, activists, thinkers, filmmakers, curators, and academics in Luanda, Salvador da Bahia and Lisbon.

The interview station was situated in the center of the exhibition space, as they represent a very important element of the project and shed light on many subjects within the extensive Lusophone triangle narrative.

The interviews were conducted between 2018 and 2019 and investigate colonial and post-colonial narratives, current cross-cultural topics and the socio-political structures that have shaped the histories in the countries that I visited.

I would like to kindly thank all of the interviewees and Jordane Maurs for her invaluable vision, input and editing expertise.


Luanda, Angola

António Ole

Cabuenha Jaguinda Moniz

Kiluanji Kia Henda

MC Sacerdote

Paula Nascimento


Salvador Da Bahia, Brazil

Alberto Pitta


Benjamin Mayingui Sabby

Cassio Bomfim

Tiago Santana


Lisbon, Portugal

Ihosvanny Cisneros

Mário Patrocínio

Rui Vieira Nery


Transnational African Diaspora

Adee Roberson

Daniela Veronesi

Keyon Gaskin

LaTasha Nevada Diggs

Nathalie Bikoro

TALKS (soon online)

Jihan El-Tahiri
Greg Tate
Kiluanji Kia Henda
Satch Hoyt
Rui Vieira Nery
Fred Moten


Procession, conduction by Satch Hoyt , with Fuasi Abdul-Khaliq, Daniel “El Congo” Allen, Stéphane GaultierGeoffroy de MasureRegis “KinRe” Molina, Lulendo, Suyá NascimentoChristina Wheeler,

Afro-Sonic Mapping Concert, with MC KhrisTeddy N’singiMC SacerdoteStéphane GaultierKiluanji Kia HendaHenk HeuerLulendoSuyá NascimentoSatch Hoyt

LATITUDE, solo performance, Satch Hoyt